What is FurryJapan

  It is a Japanese beast person group. We own SIM "Oinari".

  Central 16384sq land:
   The land of the FurryJapan group.
  Land of neighboring 4098sq*12:
   Land rental for Japanese for SIM maintenance cost burdens.

  Because owner SIM is a fox, the center images Inari Shrine.

  We do not discriminate against nationality and an avatar
  We aim for group and SIM which all people can enjoy.
   (The group can join only Japanese Furry.)
   Of course the SecondLife beginner is a welcome, too

state of SIM

@An entrance. elevator to the 700m sky open space.
AFurryJapanGroup Item Shop.
Bpublic rest station.
Cteleporter to each area.
@Inari Shrine.
Aopen space.
Blocker room teleporter
Csample script.

  SIM is two laminar structure of the empty open space and lake.
  The ground is relaxation space./The sky is space of the play.


A management member

Fakefur Okonomi

Fakefur Okonomi fox


flandre Aferdita Wild Cat
Jaken Jarvis Fox
butler Kline Fox
Ryouga kawabata Dragon
Nemo Tran Bat
Semi Yue Wild Cat
Okn Neely Cat
Rain Morang Fox
Masa Kline Anubis
ZeroWinchester Laughton wolf
